Event Recap: Staff Turnover and Gen Z Insights from StaffAny’s Inaugural Bali F&B Networking Session

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On July 25, 2024, StaffAny held its first-ever networking and discussion event in Bali, bringing together business owners from Indonesia F&B scene, such as White Goose, Deli Canggu, House of Tundra, Gaji Gesa, and more! The event was exciting, marked by enthusiastic engagement and rich discussions on pressing HR and operationa issues. Participants exchanged insights on staff turnover and managing Gen Z employees, providing a wealth of practical advice and shared experiences. Here’s a detailed recap of the key takeaways from the event.

, Event Recap: Staff Turnover and Gen Z Insights from StaffAny’s Inaugural Bali F&B Networking Session

Topic 1: Staff Turnover on average ranges about 30-50%

Staff turnover is a common challenge in many industries, but the experiences shared by the attendees showed a spectrum of issues and solutions. One business owner shared that they haven’t faced significant turnover issues, suggesting that their business has cultivated a strong workplace culture or offers benefits that encourage staff retention. 

This contrasted with the perspective of another participant, who highlighted that many of their staff resign to seek better opportunities abroad. This broader trend suggests that local job opportunities might not meet the career aspirations or financial needs of employees, emphasizing the importance of offering competitive wages and career advancement opportunities to retain talent. 

Another participant emphasized the importance of avoiding micromanagement. By giving staff autonomy, they believe that employees feel more trusted and valued, leading to increased job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. This approach helps foster a sense of ownership and accountability among the staff. Together, these insights underscore the need for businesses to create a supportive work environment, understand employee aspirations, and offer competitive compensation to reduce turnover.

Topic 2: Managing Gen Z Staff

Managing the Gen Z workforce emerged as a prominent topic during the discussions. The unique characteristics and expectations of this generation present both challenges and opportunities for business owners. One participant stressed the importance of actively engaging with Gen Z employees. 

They mentioned that business owners need to be proactive in their interactions, constantly following up and supporting their staff. This hands-on approach can help keep the young workforce motivated and aligned with business goals. Another participant highlighted the need to understand Gen Z employees’ individual goals and objectives. They suggested that during the interview process, it is crucial to ask about their aspirations and then continuously remind them of these goals, especially when their performance begins to wane. This method can help keep Gen Z employees focused and driven. 

, Event Recap: Staff Turnover and Gen Z Insights from StaffAny’s Inaugural Bali F&B Networking Session

Conversely, another participant found communication barriers with Gen Z employees to be a significant challenge. Despite hiring them for their fresh ideas, sometimes these new perspectives clash with their own. This points to the need for effective communication strategies and perhaps mentorship programs to align the different viewpoints within a business. Collectively, these insights reveal that managing Gen Z employees requires proactive engagement, a clear understanding of their goals, and effective communication to bridge generational gaps.

Insights and Strategies for Business Owners

The discussions at the event provided several actionable strategies for business owners to tackle these issues effectively.

  1. Cultivating a Positive Work Environment: Creating a supportive and empowering workplace can significantly reduce staff turnover. By avoiding micromanagement and fostering a sense of trust and autonomy, employees are more likely to stay committed to the organization.
  2. Understanding Employee Aspirations: Knowing what drives your employees and aligning their roles with their career goals can enhance job satisfaction and retention. This is particularly important for Gen Z employees who value personal growth and opportunities for advancement.
  3. Effective Communication: Bridging the communication gap between different generations within the workforce is crucial. Employing clear, consistent, and empathetic communication can help in understanding and addressing the needs and concerns of all employees.
  4. Competitive Compensation and Benefits: To prevent employees from seeking opportunities abroad, offering competitive wages and benefits is essential. Additionally, providing pathways for career advancement within the company can make local opportunities more attractive.
  5. Proactive Engagement: Regular check-ins and active engagement with employees can help maintain their motivation and performance levels. This is especially important for younger employees who may require more guidance and support.


, Event Recap: Staff Turnover and Gen Z Insights from StaffAny’s Inaugural Bali F&B Networking Session

StaffAny’s first event in Bali was offering a platform for business owners to share their experiences and learn from each other. The insights gathered from the discussions on staff turnover and managing Gen Z employees are invaluable for any business looking to improve its operational practices. By implementing the strategies discussed, business owners can create a more stable, motivated, and productive workforce. The high level of engagement and the quality of discussions at the event underscore the importance of such networking sessions in fostering a collaborative and supportive business community in Indonesia.

Are you a business owner encountering the same issues? Join our next business leader session to network and learn from other leaders! Register your interest through the button below, and we look forward to seeing you next time!

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